Gift cards and certificates

‘Tis the Season! How to increase your revenue this holiday season with Gift Card sales.

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Selling gift cards / certificates online is a great way to increase sales, especially during the holiday season. But don’t forget that you can benefit from selling gift cards and certificates throughout the year. Advertise your gift cards to previous customers – they already know you offer a great service, so it is a convenient way for them to offer a personal experience.

Increase your revenue by selling gift cards/certificates
Increase your revenue by selling gift cards/certificates

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Want to make the most of your WebReserv booking system? Check out 3 amazing features and try them for FREE with a GOLD account trial.

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Want to make the most of your WebReserv booking system? Go GOLD and setup those three amazing features The Gold account is the most advanced account in WebReserv. It unlocks all options and features of the system and allows you to make the most of the system. Let us present you 3 features of the GOLD account that really can take your business to another level.


1. Email customization: Convert your emails into a marketing weapon

When a customer makes a reservation through the booking system, WebReserv automatically sends him a confirmation email. This is a great feature because it gives your customers instant notification, all the details of their reservation and the assurance that they have successfully made the booking. But, can you do more? Can you improve the customers experience even further? The answer is yes, Read the rest of this entry »