webreserv how to ignore required fields

Ignore required fields and reservation rules

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The WebReserv booking system now allows you to ignore required fields and most of the reservation rules. This is a big time saver as you can save a partly completed reservation. It also allows you to ignore certain reservation rules, such as minimum and maximum length, required days and valid from/to dates.

To ignore required fields and reservation rules, simply save the reservation as usual and then click Ignore and continue when the warning message shows up.

Click “ignore and continue” to ignore required fields and certain reservation rules.

The ability to ignore required fields and reservation rules can be disabled under Setup – Business Information – Advanced Options.

Enable or disable the ability to ignore required fields and reservation rules here.

Note that saving a reservation without the required information may impact the regular operations. For example, if no email address has been entered, the system will not be able to send reservation confirmation emails to the customer.